RFID basics – Gain key knowledge to select the best fit system

RFID is key in auto identification technologies In the course of the evolving digitalization, industrial companies automate more and more manual processes. Consequently, they transfer paper-based tasks in the field of identification to digital solutions. So, one important enabling technology is radio frequency identification (RFID). Since this technology is mature,

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Five use cases about the power of RFID in the medical applications

Why are Auto ID technologies such as RFID beneficial for the medical industry? First, and most important, Automatic Identification and Data Capture technology (AIDC) conquer different industries step by step. So, why it should not be used in the medtech industry? Therefore, you gain now insights in five use cases

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RFID and Vision in Central Sterilization

Sterilization Services – Infection control and the benefits of traceability

What is Central Sterilization? CSSD is short for Central Sterilization Services Department in hospitals. In short, this the place employees and machines sterilize medical devices and equipment for subsequent use. Those devices are e.g. surgical instruments. Finally, the overall target of sterilization services is to prevent infection of personnel and

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LDPS – Long Distance Measurement for Cranes

Usually, optical laser measurement systems or radar sensors are used for displacement and distance measurements over long distances of up to several hundred meters. However, these optical distance sensors do not work reliable in the long term under all environmental conditions

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Tracking of transport trolleys in production of RUCH NOVAPLAST

Manual, paper-based processes in intralogistics are inefficient, inaccurate and not scalable. RUCH NOVAPLAST, a manufacturer of product solutions made of particle foams, now uses RFID systems to track transport trolleys at every stage of production. This provides greater transparency in the manufacturing process.

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